ESI Quality since 1975

Our commitment to sustainable development


Sustainable development

Sustainability is by definition the “right to live, produce and consume freely without compromising the right of future generations to live, consume and produce in the same way.”

We have embraced this very important concept and decided to take an active role: every choice we make is aimed at striking the right balance between economic, environmental and social responsibility.

Changing processes and habits is a very long and sometimes complex journey for both individuals and companies. However, we are confident that everyone's positive contribution can make a difference to the future of our planet.

Our path to sustainability involves many steps; some have already been taken, but there is still a long way to go.


The sustainability approach we have decided to take is based on two essential elements, transparency and commitment. This is how we achieve the goals we have set, for the short and long term. Our approach enables us to implement a virtuous strategy which is measurable, verifiable and concrete.

We wish to create value for today and for the future by preserving the environment and biodiversity, and creating products that meet the requirements of quality and effectiveness, all the while making the well-being of people and communities central to our success.

Our journey

ESG Assessment: we underwent environmental, social and governance performance assessment. We evaluated our daily practices and identified the issues on which we need to focus our efforts. The improvement actions suggested in the ESG Assessment enable us to contribute to specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the 2030 Agenda.


Stakeholder mapping: we consider stakeholder mapping a key activity in business processes; we believe their constant feedback and involvement in projects and initiatives to be crucial as they allow us to avoid potential risks or negative impacts and to set goals in a more informed way.

Organisational carbon footprint (OCF): we have formalised our commitment to fight climate change through the analysis and reporting of our environmental impact.

The study of the Organisational Carbon Footprint will allow us to identify and quantify greenhouse gas emissions to define a mitigation and compensation plan.

Sustainability Report: we published our first Sustainability Report, recounting the stages of our history, our milestones, the initiatives undertaken and those planned.

Assessment ESG: ci siamo sottoposti alla valutazione delle performance ambientali, sociali e di governance. Abbiamo misurato le pratiche quotidianamente attuate e compreso i temi sui cui è necessario focalizzare il nostro impegno. Le azioni migliorative suggerite nell’Assessment ESG ci consentono di contribuire a specifici obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) dell’Agenda 2030.


Stakeholder mapping: consideriamo la mappatura degli stakeholder un’attività chiave nei processi aziendali; riteniamo, infatti, che il punto di vista costante e il loro coinvolgimento nei progetti e nelle iniziative sia fondamentale in quanto ci consente di agire in modo da evitare potenziali rischi o eventuali impatti negativi e poter definire gli obiettivi in modo più consapevole.

Carbon Footprint di Organizzazione (CFO): abbiamo formalizzato l’impegno nella lotta al cambiamento climatico mediante l’analisi e la rendicontazione del nostro impatto ambientale. Lo studio della Carbon Footprint di Organizzazione ci consentirà di identificare e quantificare le emissioni di gas serra al fine di definire un piano di mitigazione e compensazione.

Report di Sostenibilità: abbiamo pubblicato il nostro primo Report di Sostenibilità, in cui abbiamo raccontato le tappe della nostra storia, i traguardi, le iniziative intraprese e quelle in programma.

Vai al Report di Sostenibilità 2022 >

Our commitment

We are committed to minimising our environmental impact

Inclusion, well-being, positivity: people are at the heart of our success

Research, innovation, effectiveness, quality: our strategic assets


Check out our Sustainability Report 2023